Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Signs of a Furniture Restoration Finatic

So, as I am reviving furniture, this is what is going through my head.  Yes, this. Not self reflection, not memories of old times, and definitely not anything too complicated....just this. 

You might be a furniture restoration finatic if....

#1  You get your nail polish at Sherwin Williams

#2 You rather go to a garage sale than a department store (or anywhere else, if we're really being honest)

#3 Your friends tell you that you have a great tan, and you secretly laugh because you know that it is stain from the last furniture piece you redid

#4 You mysteriously have new highlights in your hair, despite the fact that you haven't seen your hair dresser in months

#5 You have to put on jeans to go to town, because your legs are COVERED in paint.

#6 You have a paint can opener in your purse and paint sticks in your car....all the time!

#7 You spend more time in front of the paint samples at Home Depot than you do in front of the mirror

#8 The thrift store workers know you by name, and the furniture loaders groan when they see you coming.

#9 You haven't parked your car in the garage for months

#10 Your kitchen sink has more paint brushes in it than silverware

If you can relate to this list, then you are a furniture restoration finatic.  If this made you laugh, I would love for you to share the link with others that might enjoy it too!

Sweet Tea....I don't make it, I just make it pretty


  1. :) Really cute Jena....and they are all so true about YOU my friend!! Oooohhhhh but you are so good at it!! Love ya.

  2. Thanks two biggest fans always leaving me some love! I figure, even if no one relates to this post, they will at least get a laugh out of my crazy life:)

  3. You hit the nail right on the head!

    gertie @

  4. #8 definitely rings true for me!

    Miss Mustard Seed


I would love to hear your comments or suggestions. Comments make my day!