Thursday, July 28, 2011


A few thoughts about DIY projects
Don't be afraid!
So many times I hear people say that they are scared to paint a piece of furniture, or they aren't sure that it will turn out good.  Scared? DON'T BE!  Be fearless in your projects.  If you are worried that you will mess up a piece, then go to a garage sale and get you a cheap piece of furniture to practice on.  When it comes to furniture, there is really no way to mess it up with paint.  You can always sand it back and get back to the wood, or my favorite technique (much easier) you can paint over it.  :)

Do what you love!
When doing a project or redoing a piece of furniture, make it the way that YOU want it!  Don't worry about the faces people make when you tell them what you are doing.  Remember, it is for you, and you have to look at more than anyone else.  I love to go to the paint samples section of Lowes and Home Depot and just pick out my favorite colors, you know the ones that make your heart flutter (I do love paint).  I save the sample until I find a piece of furniture that it would fit perfectly on.  So, don't worry about what others think of it, don't worry about what is trending in the magazines, do what YOU LOVE!

Don't know how to redo neither! I just try different techniques, until I find one that works.  I spend a lot of time reading blogs and looking closely at furniture that I love.  There are so many sources out there now, especially for DIYers.  Search blogs, look on you tube, and ask a friend if you have any questions!  I would love to answer any questions, just please only ask the ones that I will know the answer to, or else I'll just make one up. :)

Don't get frustrated
Well, let me rephrase that...don't stay frustrated. Realize that as a DIYer you are not going to love everything the first time you do it, not every project is going to turn out, and most the time its not going to be as easy as you thought. It's ok, the fun part is trying again until you get it just the way you want it.  Sometimes I will paint a piece, and then decide I don't like it.  So, what I do is leave it for a while in the garage, look at it every so often, until I finally have an idea that will make it just right.  If you don't love what you've done, walk away from it.  When you come back, I bet you will have new inspiration. If not, walk away again...or sell it and get another!

I feel silly even giving tips...I'm really in no place to do so.  The reason that I wrote this is because I want you all to realize that there is nothing to be afraid of.  Don't like your piece of furniture? REVIVE IT!

So, here is a picture of me trying a new product and technique.  I read about it a lot first, bought the supplies, and last night I gave it a try, and.....I LOVE IT! I'm so thankful that I tried something new!  Just think, your fear of failure could be holding you back from something you will love.

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I would love to hear your comments or suggestions. Comments make my day!