Monday, February 21, 2011

Eggs Anyone?

So, I have been eating alot of eggs lately...trying to kick up the protein and lower the carbs and calories.  If you see me on the weekends, you'll realize that my strict diet stops Fridays and starts Mondays! 
My friend Jenni as shown below

 mentioned to me the other day that she saw someone use egg cartons to organize drawers.  Thanks for the idea Jenni!  I decided that I would take that idea and twist it to fit my need.  Earrings. My earrings are never organized and are usually just thrown in my jewelry box. I like this alternative!  All I did was cut off the top of the carton, and I was done.  Not the cutest, but it works!


  1. The high protein, low carb/calorie thing has really worked for me. Since the first of the year, I've lost about 16 pounds!! We're going on vacation next week though and I intend to eat good - Hope I don't gain it all back. Great idea on the jewelry organization!!

    Miss you guys! Can't wait until August!


I would love to hear your comments or suggestions. Comments make my day!